path: root/Benutzer
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Diffstat (limited to 'Benutzer')
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diff --git a/Benutzer/caoimhe.mdwn b/Benutzer/caoimhe.mdwn
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+[[!meta title="Caoimhe Clausen"]]
+Ich habe ein paar Projekte im Verein:
+* [[Equipment/T-Shirt Druck]]
+* [[Projekte/Wetterstation]]
+* [[Projekte/Mobiler Autocomputer und AP]]
+Du kannst mich konsultieren, wenn du Fragen in den folgenden Bereichen hast:
+* T-Shirt-Druck und Schneidplotter
+* Softwaredesign und -implementation (sinnvoll, nicht PHP/MySQL!)
+* Messdatenerfassung und -verarbeitung
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-9.875,4.8125 9.59375,19.75 13.875,4.78125 c 1.42997,13.90404 6.56604,27.41888 14.75,38.8125 0.308934,0.10624 0.62701,0.20751 0.9375,0.3125 1.234223,0.41726 2.491928,0.82129 3.75,1.21875 0.356781,0.11273 0.703861,0.23261 1.0625,0.34375 1.869124,0.57922 3.77016,1.15164 5.6875,1.6875 0.07278,0.0204 0.145901,0.0422 0.21875,0.0625 1.573095,0.43807 3.14691,0.84109 4.75,1.25 2.310677,0.58939 4.66353,1.15891 7.03125,1.6875 1.92039,0.42872 3.858297,0.83017 5.8125,1.21875 0.125001,0.0249 0.249867,0.0378 0.375,0.0625 1.571095,0.30976 3.159165,0.62243 4.75,0.90625 1.081054,0.19287 2.160497,0.38163 3.25,0.5625 1.122052,0.18627 2.244569,0.35772 3.375,0.53125 0.6358,0.0977 1.26795,0.21887 1.90625,0.3125 1.94542,0.28514 3.90829,0.53366 5.875,0.78125 C 97.8593,134.22988 88.00555,128.04855 79.59375,120.25 l 2.59375,-2.4375 2.59375,-2.46875 c 7.8473,7.17249 17.0315,12.84814 26.5625,16.28125 0.76539,0.2757 1.54817,0.5621 2.375,0.84375 0.074,0.0252 0.14419,0.0373 0.21875,0.0625 0.76275,0.25845 1.55768,0.52161 2.375,0.78125 0.14881,0.0471 0.28682,0.0779 0.4375,0.125 0.78096,0.24509 1.57396,0.50726 2.40625,0.75 0.44818,0.13032 0.91145,0.246 1.375,0.375 0.84457,0.23503 1.69664,0.45888 2.59375,0.6875 1.14544,0.2919 2.3278,0.56717 3.5625,0.84375 1.19423,0.26752 2.43728,0.53309 3.71875,0.78125 0.11331,0.0219 0.22974,0.0407 0.34375,0.0625 1.26273,0.24113 2.55606,0.47004 3.90625,0.6875 1.3959,0.22482 2.85062,0.46177 4.34375,0.65625 0.031,0.004 0.0627,-0.004 0.0937,0 2.68612,0.34812 5.54164,0.64941 8.5625,0.875 0.13339,0.01 0.27221,0.0215 0.40625,0.0312 0.83435,0.0604 1.67129,0.10662 2.53125,0.15625 1.23213,0.0711 2.49485,0.14011 3.78125,0.1875 0.11719,0.004 0.22609,-0.004 0.34375,0 1.44275,0.0499 2.95492,0.0759 4.46875,0.0937 0.81056,0.01 1.60608,0.0314 2.4375,0.0312 1.3406,-1.5e-4 2.66673,-0.004 4.0625,-0.0312 1.2473,-0.0238 2.48809,-0.0784 3.78125,-0.125 1.01037,-0.0364 2.05469,-0.0741 3.09375,-0.125 1.76024,-0.086 3.53255,-0.18276 5.375,-0.3125 0.042,-0.003 0.083,0.003 0.125,0 1.42383,-0.1386 2.83633,-0.28296 4.25,-0.4375 0.38501,-0.043 0.77186,-0.0805 1.15625,-0.125 6.60084,-6.31418 12.11932,-13.73229 16.25,-21.84375 l 14.28125,0 0,-28.75 28.71875,-0.03125 0,-14.375 -28.71875,0 0,-14.375 28.71875,0 0,-14.375 -43.0625,0 C 193.33106,32.2994 183.70344,21.50773 172,13.75 c -0.94098,-0.617402 -1.87836,-1.232905 -2.84375,-1.8125 -0.0602,-0.03606 -0.12724,-0.05784 -0.1875,-0.09375 -0.0729,-0.0418 -0.14575,-0.0834 -0.21875,-0.125 -1.11987,-0.66206 -2.25575,-1.29772 -3.40625,-1.90625 -0.087,-0.046189 -0.16655,-0.1044644 -0.25,-0.15625 -0.0951,-0.050105 -0.18591,-0.1065106 -0.28125,-0.15625 -0.008,-0.00427 -0.0231,0.00426 -0.0312,0 C 153.73094,3.688 141.32213,0.42141 128.8125,0.03125 127.61316,-0.00355 126.41802,-0.019 125.21875,0 z M 165.75,9.5625 c 2.67185,1.413681 5.23458,2.971086 7.71875,4.65625 29.28753,2.426799 55.48258,8.824911 75.59375,17.90625 13.0181,5.87834 23.5033,12.87577 30.625,20.5 7.1218,7.62424 10.8261,15.70031 10.8125,23.96875 -0.011,6.82805 -2.6224,13.76263 -8,20.59375 l 0.15625,0.21875 c -8.0439,10.28052 -22.1249,19.91639 -41.125,27.34375 -17.03514,6.65923 -36.61222,11.18445 -57.09375,13.625 -1.70394,1.64384 -3.46861,3.22451 -5.3125,4.71875 22.64927,-2.29267 44.4144,-7.07446 63.25,-14.4375 24.4173,-9.545 41.34355,-22.39657 48.09375,-37.5 L 290.28125,91 c 2.1337,-4.65919 3.27325,-9.47576 3.28125,-14.375 0.016,-9.88377 -4.41715,-19.07183 -11.96875,-27.15625 C 274.04215,41.38435 263.27695,34.23117 250.03125,28.25 227.7546,18.190875 198.44043,11.429357 165.75,9.5625 z M 68.4375,23.71875 c -1.74704,1.71631 -3.41595,3.5104 -5,5.375 l -5.625,-1.9375 c 3.4216,-1.21647 6.9624,-2.36089 10.625,-3.4375 z m -12.625,12.3125 17.34375,6 -5.625,16.3125 -5.8125,-2 c -2.1273,11.18718 -0.43855,22.27226 3.96875,32.5625 -1.9303,1.50056 -3.8496,2.99223 -5.75,4.53125 C 54.414,81.25203 52.23265,67.65779 55.03125,54.03125 l -4.875,-1.6875 5.65625,-16.3125 z m 92.84375,8.71875 43.125,0.03125 0,14.34375 -28.78125,0 0,14.375 28.78125,0.03125 0,43.09375 -43.15625,0.0312 0,-14.375 28.75,0 0,-14.375 -28.75,-0.03125 0.0312,-43.125 z M 75.625,90.15625 78.3125,112.75 57.6875,102.8125 c 1.1212,-0.79026 2.2537,-1.58472 3.375,-2.375 l 7.90625,-0.6875 3.3125,-7.21875 c 1.1213,-0.79028 2.22255,-1.58473 3.34375,-2.375 z m -11.71875,42.6875 c 12.70731,14.69641 30.88276,24.66069 50.21875,27.53125 1.9109,0.29011 3.823,0.50129 5.75,0.65625 0.77004,0.0628 1.54097,0.11493 2.3125,0.15625 2.3277,0.12183 4.67,0.16687 7,0.0937 0.041,-0.001 0.084,10e-4 0.125,0 0.0313,2e-5 0.0625,2e-5 0.0937,0 2.01388,-0.0684 4.02701,-0.25003 6.03125,-0.46875 l -6.1875,-11.09375 4.125,0 6.875,2 6.84375,-2 c 1.3718,-0.001 2.7532,9.9e-4 4.125,0 l -5,9.28125 c 0.48346,-0.11642 0.956,-0.24926 1.4375,-0.375 l 0,-0.0625 c 11.09409,-2.94211 21.54926,-8.21799 30.46875,-15.375 -0.28068,0.0275 -0.56281,0.0358 -0.84375,0.0625 -1.90381,0.18099 -3.80446,0.35404 -5.71875,0.5 -1.01825,0.0781 -2.04183,0.15047 -3.0625,0.21875 -1.24765,0.0828 -2.4993,0.15067 -3.75,0.21875 -1.15586,0.0636 -2.31083,0.13649 -3.46875,0.1875 -1.19699,0.052 -2.39512,0.0864 -3.59375,0.125 -1.11615,0.0365 -2.22664,0.069 -3.34375,0.0937 -0.21881,0.005 -0.43742,0.0269 -0.65625,0.0312 -2.00927,0.0404 -4.02122,0.0602 -6.03125,0.0625 -0.0937,1e-4 -0.1875,-2e-5 -0.28125,0 0,0 -7.1205,0.0591 -7.0625,-0.0625 -1.2847,-0.0277 -2.56105,-0.0505 -3.84375,-0.0937 -5.69292,-0.19193 -11.35329,-0.56866 -16.96875,-1.0625 -0.0212,0.007 -0.0413,0.0239 -0.0625,0.0312 -0.42932,-0.0379 -0.85258,-0.0854 -1.28125,-0.125 -1.95295,-0.18033 -3.90588,-0.37698 -5.84375,-0.59375 -0.13614,-0.0153 -0.27019,-0.0471 -0.40625,-0.0625 -2.07781,-0.2353 -4.1304,-0.50412 -6.1875,-0.78125 -0.48923,-0.066 -0.9808,-0.11914 -1.46875,-0.1875 -1.56197,-0.21857 -3.10839,-0.44477 -4.65625,-0.6875 -1.014082,-0.15918 -2.02371,-0.33046 -3.03125,-0.5 -1.172805,-0.19715 -2.33668,-0.41384 -3.5,-0.625 -1.158907,-0.21059 -2.319868,-0.40053 -3.46875,-0.625 -0.828363,-0.16166 -1.645888,-0.33113 -2.46875,-0.5 -1.387901,-0.2851 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+ id="tspan3111">Eigentümer:</tspan><tspan
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+ id="tspan3127">André Clausen</tspan></text>
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+ sodipodi:linespacing="125%"><tspan
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+ x="32.48127"
+ y="927.99164">Labornetzteil 900W</tspan><tspan
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+ x="32.48127"
+ y="947.99164"
+ id="tspan3119">Draht + Litze in versch. Grössen</tspan><tspan
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+ id="tspan3121">Elektronik-Stecker</tspan></text>
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+[[!toc ]]
+[[!template id=steckbrief.tmpl name="Tobi" nickname="hexagon6" JabberID="" IRCNick="hexagon6" notes="""
+* spezies: homo sapiens turingensis
+* baut gerne 3D-Modelle aus kompilierbarem Text (OpenScad)
+# projekte
+## 3dprinter
+* 3dprinter aus 3dprinter bauen um 3dprinter zu bauen um 3dprinter zu bauen...
+## zelluläre automaten
+* [[]]
+<hr />
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diff --git a/Benutzer/juliane.mdwn b/Benutzer/juliane.mdwn
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+[[!meta title="Juliane"]]
+#Web-Design Ressourcen
+* <>
+* <>
+# Projektideen
+## Nähen
+* [[Benutzer/juliane/Naehmaschinen]]
+* [[Elna supermatic: Elna discs reverse engineeren und eigene Stiche kreieren|Projekte/ELNA-Musterdisks]]
+# Frag mich über/ich kann… (es braucht mal badges)
+* Werkzeug (Bohrmaschinen, Akkuschrauber, …)
+* Linux: Commandline, Configuration, Debian, (Fedora)
+* IRC: irssi
+* Grafikbearbeitung: Inkscape, (Gimp)
+* Webdesign (XHTML + CSS)
+* Nähen (stolze Elna Supermatic Besitzerin)
+* Fotografie (Nikon D600 User)
+* Projektdokumentation (im wiki)
+* ikiwiki
+* [[Benutzer/juliane/OpenScad]]
+* unser Blog (S9Y)
+* Ticketsystem (nur die Basics)
+* (Urban) Gardening (Sub Irrigated Planter, auf kleinster Fläche Gemüse ernten)
+* Zoologie: Vögel, Insekten, Amphibien, …
+* Paddeln/Kanuwandern (nein, nicht der Sport)
+# Frag mich bloß nicht über…
+* Windows
diff --git a/Benutzer/juliane/Naehmaschinen.mdwn b/Benutzer/juliane/Naehmaschinen.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e48b89f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Benutzer/juliane/Naehmaschinen.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#Elna supermatic
+* <>
+* <>
+###Motor Friction Pulley
+* <> Ref 722077 Elna green series 077.722.077 nur an Handel und Industrie
+* <> #P220777, USA, complicated payment methods but has got everything
+* <> Problembeschreibung
+* <> Gewaltmethode
+* <> Beschreibung mit Bildern des Teils
+#General Resources
diff --git a/Benutzer/juliane/OpenScad.mdwn b/Benutzer/juliane/OpenScad.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..909db367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Benutzer/juliane/OpenScad.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+* Cheat Sheet: <>
+* Manual: <>
+#Tipps & Tricks
+* Transparenz und Farben funktionieren nur, wenn mit F5 kompiliert wird, nicht mit F6.
diff --git a/Benutzer/yzorg/Bildschirmfoto_2013-09-26_um_15.07.05.png b/Benutzer/yzorg/Bildschirmfoto_2013-09-26_um_15.07.05.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec193796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Benutzer/yzorg/Bildschirmfoto_2013-09-26_um_15.07.05.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Benutzer/yzorg/index.mdwn b/Benutzer/yzorg/index.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39fac833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Benutzer/yzorg/index.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Ich bin ein Allrounder. Ich habe mich aber auch auf 3D-Visualisierungen und Modellbau spezialisiert.
+Mein Fokus liegt vor allem im Bereich Produktdesign, Logo und CI-gestaltung. Das schnelle Skizzieren und Visualisieren zur Kommunikation mit den verschiedensten Partien im Entwurfsprozess gehört zu meinen Stärken.
+[[!img Bildschirmfoto_2013-09-26_um_15.07.05.png align="right" size="" alt="Yvo"]]